
Peter was a frequent contributor to leading design publications including Print, Designer and Design magazine. He was also editor of SIAD's monthly journal. Given his academic background, writing became a natural platform for his viewpoint and ongoing contribution to the graphic design profession. He saw design as fundamentally concerned with change, and designers as responsible for identifying problems, asking the right questions, and delivering clear solutions.  

Throughout his career he wrote and delivered speeches on subjects ranging from corporate identity to the history of postcard design. His involvement in international signage standards demonstrated a deep commitment to clarity and concern at the inability of people to communicate on every level. He identified the danger of traditional publishing becoming less necessary. As alternative methods of communications evolved at a great speed, books had yet to rethink their purpose and become a phoenix not a dinosaur.

He was often teased for being longwinded, having mastered the art of how to make a short story long, yet when he put pen to paper to draw or write, the message was always clear, analytical and to the point.

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